FAQ - How Do I Choose the Best Call Blocker? : 5G 4G Mobile Cell Phone Jammer | PaddyRats Online Store

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[News] - How Do I Choose the Best Call Blocker?
A call blocker is a phone application that helps you prevent people from being able to phone you — whether on a landline or mobile phone — from certain numbers, and there are some features to look at before choosing an application. Many call blocker applications, especially those for mobile phones, only work on a so-called jailbroken system, which may or may not be an issue. If you only want to block calls at certain times of the day, then a scheduling feature may be useful. This type of program often has difficulty blocking private or anonymous numbers, and finding a program that also can block these numbers can help if someone using this type of number harasses you. Blocking efficiency is perhaps one of the most important features, because people normally want a program that will always block a number once the program has been told to do so.
Jailbreaking a mobile phone involves using a program or going through a process to open up the phone to third-party applications. Many call blocker programs require that your mobile phone be jailbroken, but this can present some problems. This can immediately void your warranty, and there is a higher chance of viruses getting into your mobile system, because the programs you install may be unauthorized. This means that getting a program that works with your mobile phone’s natural state usually is better.
Sometimes you just need to block numbers during a certain part of the day. A call blocker with a scheduling feature enables you to set when the blocker guards you against phone calls. This feature is not always necessary but, if you need only temporary relief from phone calls, then this feature can be beneficial.
Using a call blocker normally means you have to manually enter the phone numbers to be blocked. You cannot manually enter private or anonymous numbers, because the numbers themselves do not show up, so many call blockers find it difficult to guard you against these calls. This means it may be a good idea to get a blocker that protects against these numbers without requiring manual entry.
A call blocker is made to keep calls from reaching your phone, so blocking efficiency often is very important. This feature normally is difficult to judge without using the blocker for an extended amount of time. Most blockers may slip up every now and then, accidentally allowing an unauthorized call to happen about once a month, and it normally is best to get an application that rarely slips up.
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