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[News] - How cell phone jammers work?
Hi folks! Can somebody tell me in details about the principles of how signal jammers work? How they are doing what they are doing, how they block signals?

Hello Mark!
There are few ways of how exactly mobile phone signal jammers blocks the signal of mobile phone. The first one is when it disrupts connection between base tower and mobile phone by creating electronic noise and interfering with the signal.
The other way is when cell phone jammer intercepts outgoing signal from the mobile phone, modifies it to match the frequency of the cell phone tower signal, and sends it back to the mobile phone. Mobile phone thinks that it receives signal from its base tower and mobile phone user hear own voice instead of incoming signal from cell phone tower.
If you need some additional information on the whole jamming process, read articles at our website and our blog. We hope that they will provide you with all necessary information on this topic. If you still have some additional question, just ask them and you will get the answer ;)
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