FAQ - How can I block internet connection? : 5G 4G Mobile Cell Phone Jammer | PaddyRats Online Store

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[News] - How can I block internet connection?
Hello guys! I have one necessary thing to do - and this thing is to block internet connections in the surrounding area. How can I do that in a reliable way?

Hi Melanie!
If you need to block internet connections in the location around you then you must understand one thing: you cannot block cable internet unless you would cut that cable :) But other types of internet like the wireless one powered by WiFi and Bluetooth connections can be easily jammed.
To make your wish come true you can use wireless internet jammers because they can deal with all kinds of WiFi and Bluetooth internet connections in their blocking radius. There are few models for you to select from and this choice will make sure that you have exactly that jammer which you need, be it portable or desktop model.
Securing your internet from intrusions from the outside sources by means of wireless signals is real these days thanks to wireless signal jammers. But there are also other types of those signal blocking devices which may help you in other situations, so if those situations would appear, discover all kinds of jammers and choose the one for you!
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