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[News] - Can Draganflyer X6 drone become dangerous?
Hello people! Recently I saw a video where this drone was flying and filming a movie on the fly. Can it be dangerous for me and how can I stop it in case of something happens?

Hi Zack!
Yep, the Draganflyer X6 drone developed by Draganfly Innovations Inc. is very nice model of flying UAV with six propellers, and that is why it is called X6. This drone has small camera that can capture 1080p video and is transmitted using 5.8GHz frequency band that you simply cannot stop. It also can have photographic camera or infrared camera instead of the video camera.
But Draganflyer X6 is not the latest drone model of this company. The most advanced UAV they have is called Draganflyer X8 and, as you may already guessed, it has eight propellers. But both drones are using the same way of being controlled by the operator. No matter if it is handheld remote control or ground control remote station, they are both using 2.4GHz frequency band for their work. Yes, the one you generally know as WiFi band.
There are many different kinds of flying drones and other surveillance UAVs which you can probably see at the streets of your city soon enough. Some of those UAVs are already flying the streets of European cities and even American land, demonstrating that the future is near and robots will probably be determining factor in it. All of them are using wireless remote controls in their work, thus you can block the signal of WiFi remote control of Draganflyer X6 or other types of flying drones and make your life a little bit safer.
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